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227 résultats

12 juil. 2013

The Lisbon treaty - publié le 12/07/2013

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

After the abandonment of the project of European Constitution, the idea of a simplified treaty was held by Member states to boost the institutional reform of the European Union. The treaty of Lisbon has to allow in particular Europe Twenty seven to work in a more effective and more democratic...

28 juin 2013


Étude de cas - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

The Ecclesiastes, or “Qohelet” in Hebrew, is a text of the Hebrew Bible whose content, including some reflexions and maxims about the human existence, is unique in the Hebrew Bible and has left many scholars perplex. Most authors agree that it belongs to the Wisdom literature but it is...

05 juin 2013

John M. Regan, The Politics of Reaction; The Dynamics of Treatyite Government and Policy (1922-1933

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

W.T. Cosgrave led the first independent government which won the Civil War. Nevertheless, its party, the Cumman na nGaedheal (later named Fine Gael, in 1933) never managed to secure popular support, and was on the decline until 1944 and the retirement of Cosgrave. The Treaty needed the vote of...

17 mai 2013

Imperialism and Europe

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

In 1914, Europe was at the head of its power. It represented 25% of global population and held a large share of wealth (e.g. coal production). London was the central financial place. America was in debt to Europe. 80% of foreign investments were carried out in Europe. Holland had an Empire 60...

17 avril 2013

Etude d'un cas relevant du service de l'aide sociale à l'enfance

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Le service de l'aide sociale à l'enfance (ASE) est un service du département, placé sous l'autorité du président du Conseil général et dont la mission essentielle est de venir en aide aux enfants et à leur famille par des actions de prévention individuelle ou collective, de protection...

12 avril 2013

Meanings and attitudes attached to cohabitation in Poland: Quantitative analyses of the slow diffusion of cohabitation among the young generation

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

The text we have is an article written a few years ago by Monika Mynarska and Laura Bernardi. This article is about cohabiting behaviors in Poland, especially its diffusion among the young generation, in terms of attitudes (what people think about it) and behaviors (what they do). Frist, the...

12 avril 2013

The rise of anti-foreigner sentiment in European societies, 1988-2000 - Semyonov, Raijman and Gorodzeisky

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

This text is an article written by three scholars about the rise of anti-foreign sentiment in European Societies (especially 12 countries). Their analysis is based on both theories and the compilation of data, in order to understand why some places are more likely to be concerned with the rise of...

03 avril 2013

Why shareholder voting is not a duty but a right

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Paradoxically, we daresay, most part of the contemporary continental literature on company law refers to the shareholder's right to vote, but treats vote as a duty. Perhaps a reminiscence of the traditional approach to companies, voting is instinctively placed near such other corporate rights as...

02 avril 2013

Critically assess the role of (ethnic/racial/religious) discrimination in explaining immigrants and ethnic minorities' education and the labour market disadvantage in Western Europe

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

After World War II and the process of decolonization, European countries were regarded as egalitarian and peaceful societies (Wacquant 2008, p. 15). In a context of economic expansion, the integration of migrants was easier and their aspirations of social mobility were achievable. However, times...

02 avril 2013

Ireland in the twentieth century: The role of the Catholic church

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

The first document we have is the Pastoral letter written on 10 October 1922 by Catholic Bishops of Ireland. This letter was published in the Irish times the next day. This letter denounces the anti-treaty campaign led by the IRA which is very violent. To understand such reaction on the part of...

01 avril 2013

How is migration contributing to and reflecting the challenges of globalization?

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

During the last presidential campaign in France, many debates occurred about the immigration and the globalization. Indeed, some of the candidates denounced the danger that the migration was for the employment and the good economic health of the country, because of the globalization which tends...

01 avril 2013

Explain the theoretical basis of Locke's theory of the limitations on legitimate government - publié le 01/04/2013

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

John Locke, a philosopher and doctor of the 17th century is seen as the father of the liberal theory in political science. His theories about the State have to be understood in an historical revolutionary background. Indeed, all his reflections about state's birth and goals have been made around...

15 févr. 2013

Anarchy and the limits of cooperation: A realist critique of the newest liberal institutionalism - Joseph M. Grieco

Étude de cas - 1 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

In this research article, the author, Joseph M. Grieco, tries to critic the institutionalist theory through the realist prism. First, he describes the main statements of those two doctrines, emphasizing the differences between them. This compared approach is very interesting, as we can easily...

14 févr. 2013

The modus operandi and the national and international impact of a particular Japanese criminal organized group: the Yakuza

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Yakuza are Japanese organized crime groups represented by several syndicates in the whole country. They also have got many networks in the world especially in the Pacific zone, The United States as well as in Germany. The modern Yakuza derived from two distinct formations: the bakuto involved in...

08 févr. 2013

Etude de situation - Temps de repas - Syndrome Prader Willi

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

J'exerce la fonction d'élève ME au sein d'un institut médico-éducatif, le moulin, qui accueille de jeunes enfants et adolescents déficients intellectuels. Cette structure dispose d'une villa excentrée où 7 jeunes (+ 4 externes du même âge) sont présents sur les temps...

06 févr. 2013

Etude de cas : tissu relationnel et affectif

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Kader est d'origine algérienne. Il arrive en France en 1928, Orphelin de père, de mère analphabète, vivant en zone rurale, il fut recueilli par des religieuses à l'âge de 14 ans dans le cadre du service militaire. Durant cette période il rencontre Paulette qu'il épouse et avec qui il...

06 févr. 2013

Etude de cas en maison de retraite (DC5)

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

[...] Mon choix s'est porté sur Monsieur T. un résident âgé de 83 ans, né le 25 septembre 1926 à Cannes. Monsieur T. est une personne âgée vive, pourvue de nombreuses capacités intellectuelles. Nous avons très vite sympathisé. Il montre un grand intérêt pour ma formation et m'interroge...

26 déc. 2012

Are sanctions effective in achieving foreign policy objectives?

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

The issue of sanctions is currently widely debated in international relations as the international community is discussing the Iranian nuclear program, trying to find an effective solution and considering imposing sanctions. Since post WWII sanctions have been widely used for multiple purposes...

23 Nov. 2012

Le graffiti : dans la rue ou dans le musée ?

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Le tag désigne une signature sous forme de pseudonyme. C'est la forme la plus répandue de graffiti, qu'on distingue du graff, peinture élaborée et plus ou moins complexe, réalisée à l'aide de bombes de peintures, de pinceaux, de pochoirs, plus proche techniquement et stylistiquement...

10 Oct. 2012

Politics of Toleration: Is there ever a justification for limiting speech because of its content?

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Freedom of speech is the central point of numerous constitutions in the world. From the first amendment to the 1776 US constitution to the Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declared in 1948; it has been presented as an indispensable factor of achievement and progress in the...

04 Oct. 2012


Étude de cas - 3 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Sustainability is critical to EADS. It is concerned about sustainability when it design and market its products because they have long life cycles which exceed 30 years. Sustainability influences the short- and long-term objectives and so decisions. Sustainable mobility and the evolution to a «...

21 Sept. 2012

"Strange fruit": Billie Holiday and the civil rights movement

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Eleanor Fagan, better known as Billie Holiday, is one of the most prominent jazz vocalists of the 20th century. Among her most outstanding works is the song “Strange Fruit”, which took Billie Holiday from the realm of love songs and lighter entertainment to a status of symbol of...

21 Sept. 2012

Comparing the American concept of hostile work environment harassment with French "harcelement moral"

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

With the generalization of office work all through the second half of the 20th century, harassment in the workplace has become a critical issue. In France, for example, according to an Ipsos study, 30% of workers claim that they have been subject to moral harassment while 37% claim they have...

18 juil. 2012

What is Islamism?

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

People of the western societies usually get confused when it comes to Islam and its political transcriptions. This makes people feel some kind of “Islamic threat”. Analyzing the relations between Islam and politic is difficult because there is no one Islam timeless and unique. On the...

05 juil. 2012

Journal d'étude clinique de DEES : Le travail d'équipe

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

[...] Le cahier de liaison : L'équipe du service utilise un cahier de liaison où elle note les informations ponctuelles. Cet outil permet de transmettre des informations diverses au sein de l'équipe : contacts téléphoniques (partenaires, familles...), rendez-vous, urgences, absences,...

13 juin 2012

Les régimes d'assurance selon différents pays

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Comme les autres systèmes, en France on a un système hybride. C'est un système à dominante bismarckienne. Il faut rappeler que le modèle recherché était plutôt un modèle d'assurance universel (Beveridge). Mais dans la réalité, le système mis en place s'est appuyé sur les instructions déjà...

22 mai 2012

Murti-Bing regime, stability at the expense of freedom

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Even in the free world, the Communist totalitarian society put in place by the Bolsheviks was long considered as a viable option. As shown by the Communist success in the free elections held in Czechoslovakia in 1948, the Stalinist system appealed to members of the free civilization, and not only...

03 mai 2012

Voting behavior in New Zealand

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

In the 2008 general election in New Zealand, voters decided not to renew their confidence in Helen Clark's Labour-led government, and to give his chance to National's John Key as Prime Minister of the country. How can we explain this alternation? What could have helped Labor policy done...

17 Mars 2012

Analyse des dysfonctionnements d'une mission locale d'accompagnement et d'insertion professionnelle à Tourcoing

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

L'objet de ce document est de mettre en exergue un dysfonctionnement majeur repéré lors de ma période de stage à la mission locale de Tourcoing - Vallée de la Lys. Ce travail est d'autant plus intéressant à observer dans un contexte où les chiffres de l'emploi se dégradent à nouveau en novembre...

16 févr. 2012

Handicap et société

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Définition du handicap : - « Handicap » (main dans le chapeau littéralement) terme générique désignant plusieurs entités : . Les déficiences . Les limitations d'activité . Les restrictions de participation À la base on utilisait ce terme de parler des difficultés rajoutées à certains jockeys...