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Études de cas en théories et stratégies marketing 91 à 93

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93 résultats

31 Janv. 2010

Las cuatro P's: producto, precio, plaza, promoción

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing

Una vez que se determinan las necesidades o preferencias del cliente, el comerciante tiene como objetivo principal el satisfacerlas. Para llevar esto a cabo el primer elemento a considerar es el producto mismo, base definitiva para que el cliente determine si sus necesidades quedan satisfechas....

31 déc. 2007

In which ways environmental and ethical considerations influence and complicate the marketing of Total?

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing

Total' is the world's fourth-largest oil and gas company, with the largest capitalization in the Paris stock exchange and the Euro zone, 130.5 billion on December 31st, 2004. Total is a leading multinational energy company with 95,000 employees, and activities in more than 130 countries....

02 Nov. 2006

Analysis of Nespresso's targets - publié le 02/11/2006

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing

The usefulness of marketing is well renowned and appreciated world wide. However, a large number of small companies do not wish to have a strong marketing policy owing to its excessive cost. Its mode of functioning also seems to be difficult to master. Hence some feel that the ?real marketing...