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03 févr. 2011

Starbucks: an intercultural company

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

This document is about Starbucks as an intercultural company. In order to understand well its presence on the international stage and the challenges that the company has to face, there is a first part about Starbucks' background and history.

03 févr. 2011

Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Steam Iron example

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

As creator of a new innovation and more specifically a new steam iron that has different features from the standard industry, the creation of a dedicated company would be judicious. Indeed, the company would be named "Dupont Appliance Ltd", professional manufacturer specializing in providing a...

03 févr. 2011


Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

This paper deals with the wish of a 30-year-old MBA graduate named David Kuchen to acquire and operate Cake Masters, an existing bakery business located near Toronto in Canada. Kuchen expects to become a senior manager with equity in a small business and looked at this opportunity to acquire Cake...

31 Janv. 2011

Etude de cas France Telecom

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Management organisation

Organisation, Gestion du Changement et Leadership chez France Telecom

31 Janv. 2011

Bookers Voyages: analyse du System d information

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

Analyse du S.I. existant et Conception du Système d‘Information Futur sous forme d'un rapport d'une entreprise de conseil ( fictive)

31 Janv. 2011

Rapport de projet - Audit sur une association

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Management organisation

Rapport de projet : réalisation d'un audit sur une association d'une école d'ingénieur informatique. Etude des processus de cette association.

27 Janv. 2011

Critical evaluation of Nike's corporate social responsibility (C.S.R)

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

Corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship or corporate conscience relates to a mode of regulation within the corporate world where corporations display a form of corporate conscience. A corporation chooses integrate its corporate consciences into its business model, partly to meet...

13 déc. 2010

Heineken company: Value Based Management

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Management organisation

The Heineken family entered the beer business in 18641, when Sir Gerard Adriaan Heineken bought a brewery in the heart of Amsterdam. Over the past 140 years, three generations of the Heineken family have built and expanded the brand and the company worldwide. In recent figures, the company has...

02 Nov. 2010

Grieve company: A Case Study

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Management organisation

According to the case, what are the reasons why the company was not willing to internationalize? Grieve was not ready to internationalize because of three major reasons: - The first was about the nature of its product. Exporting industrial ovens and furnaces all over the world has a cost....

01 Oct. 2010

The EMI's supply chain management

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Management organisation

Since 10 years, the music industry knew a deep period of crisis. There are several reasons : the new opportunities provided by Internet, the changes in the way of listening music, the price of DVD, etc ... But if the environment and the market evolved, the industry stayed inactive. When the sales...

30 Sept. 2010

Case study - Mergers & acquisitions

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Management organisation

David Kuchen is a serious young man which has a clear objective for his professional life. He is a 30 years old man who has chosen to leave a lucrative and regular Bay street job (advisory field) for getting an MBA from a top school and entering in the world of self entrepreneurship. With his...

29 Sept. 2010

Intercultural management - the Rus Build case

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

The Rus Build case is really interesting because it shows in an extreme version what happens when two different actors begin a joint venture. Russia and United States had a rich past of conflicts. It is two different views of the world : the communism and the capitalism but it is above all two...

08 Sept. 2010

Creating Bruno: Plaisirs Gastronomiques

Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation

Fourteen years ago, Plaisirs Gastronomiques started with a simple idea: provide busy Quebecers with fresh, ready-to-eat food. The business caught on quickly, but Plaisirs Gastronomiques found that people were buying the products without knowing the brand. This was attributed to the fact that...

26 août 2010

Change Management at Procado Holding (cosmetic and candles)

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

The current trend in the business world is to changes : indeed they have exercised a major influence on account of the rapid companies evolvement. This also can be explained by the firms environment changes which require that organizations adapt themselves in order to continue and develop the...

23 août 2010

Unternehmensdiagnostik von Hugo Boss

Étude de cas - 28 pages - Management organisation

Um meine dritte Jahre zu enden, ist mir vorgeschlagen worden, anstatt eines Praktikumsberichts, eine Unternehmensdiagnostik durchzuführen. Ich habe gewünscht, diesen innerhalb eines Wirtschaftsbereichs zu verwirklichen, der mich mit Leidenschaft erfüllt: jener der Schaffung und des Luxus....

23 août 2010

Risk management : three study cases about credit and operational risk

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Management organisation

You will be examining three organizations. Each organization is slightly different. Your task is to determine several strategies to mitigate the credit or operational risk in each organization. For each firm, describe the recommended strategy and discuss the position of the firm. The credit or...

22 août 2010

US management & leadership: the case of Martin Luther King

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

The leadership concept has emerged in the nineteenth century in the course of the Industrial Revolution and the formation of new workers' organizations. The employees were managed by a formal authority called notably in the work area by the expression “the boss says”. Until 1950, there...

09 août 2010

"Au Garde-Manger" - Opening a New Medieval Restaurant in the East Riding of Yorkshire

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Management organisation

In France, the growth and success of medieval restaurants in historic cities like Paris, Angers and Avignon, shows the interest of people as it relates directly or indirectly to the culture. People like to have fun, learn something whilst having a good time around a table. I chose to create this...

30 juil. 2010

Customer - Supplier Partnerships. Perceptions of a Successful Key Account Management Program (KAM)

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Management organisation

Missions of the Key Account Manager are in a constant evolution. He has to control numerous skills for the success of the relationship with his customer. Key account management deals with the management of the customer relationships that are most important to a company. Key accounts are those...

22 juil. 2010

Conference and Exhibition Management - the University of Bright People

Étude de cas - 35 pages - Management organisation

The conference is titled 'Museums and Heritage' and will last for three days. Delegates are expected to include students, academics and industrialists, with maximum numbers expected to be 350. Delegates will be on varying budgets. The event is to be held in a destination of your choice....

13 juil. 2010

Revolution at Oticon A/S - the Spaghetti Organization - publié le 13/07/2010

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Management organisation

Lars Kolind has been hired in Oticon at a very delicate moment of the company's life. After being very successful in their niche market, in the 1980s, the company is losing money and market shares to its competitors. The board of directors decided to take action, and hired this guy, who never...

03 juil. 2010

Transversal case study - Montefiore Medical Center

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Management organisation

With more than 70,000 admissions per year, Montefiore Medical Center is one of the largest healthcare institutions in the United States and is the most dominant hospital in the Bronx borough of New York City, which is apparently one of the country's poorest neighborhoods. It has two major...

02 juil. 2010

Organizational analysis - publié le 02/07/2010

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

As a collective group describes a group of people with the same national origin and culture values (Hofstede 2001), I can say my research team consists of two collectives groups, “Chi Ling Lin”, “Zhang Ziyi” and “Jet Li” with a Chinese nationality, and I,...

01 juil. 2010

Managing the Emirati's 'Pharaonic' Project

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

The Oil Empires are suffering the consequences of the current big changes. In a new ecological, sustainable, logical and dynamic world; countries such as the United Arab Emirates are facing new challenges and have understood the necessity to develop new activities to ensure their future.

01 juil. 2010

Four Business Ethics Study Cases

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Management organisation

In the first part, we are going to study a case named 'my way or the highway attitude'. In the second part, we are going to study a case named 'the hidden gift'. In the third part, we are going to study a case named 'insider theft'. Finally, we are going to study a case...

01 juil. 2010

Corporate Governance & Business Ethics - BP Corporate Social Responsibility

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

Corporate Social Performance (CSP) is another tool inspired from Carroll's pyramid which put light on interactions between actions of the company, its social responsibility, social responsiveness and outcomes of performance in its environment. The objective of this theory is to allow...

23 juin 2010

Global marketing management of Ikea's company

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Management organisation

Born in 1940, Ikea has been created by Ingvar Kamprad who wanted to build furniture's trade. The conception of Ikea began with the new design of furniture's, the kit system, the birth of the catalog and the showroom. New Ikea stores are open and flagship products are emerging as the chair and the...

15 juin 2010

Strategic mangement - case of Renault

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Management organisation

Louis Renault was born in February 1877 into a bourgeois Parisian family. Louis was a pampered child. He developed, at an early age, a great enthusiasm for all mechanical things, including engines and electricity. Studies were not his strong point but he had 2 vital assets for getting on in life:...

30 mai 2010

Case study : CSR policy and corporate governance, Casino group, annual report 2007

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Management organisation

Sustainable development can be defined as 'trying hard to answer to the present's needs without compromising the capacity to satisfy the future generations needs'. Sustainable development has three pillars, the social aspect, the ecological aspect, and the economic aspect. In fact,...

03 mai 2010

Starbucks's - Organisation and Management

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Management organisation

In 1971 the story began, three Seattle entrepreneurs started the Starbucks Corporation. They sold whole bean coffee in one store. After 11 years, their business had grown tremendously and they hired Schultz in 1982 to be the manager of retail and marketing. He had some ideas, he 'advised that...