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12 juin 2008

The European Parliament

Fiche - 2 pages - Philosophie

A short Document that copes with the history, the current role and the purpose of the European Parliament. I. History of the European Parliament : past, present and future A. Beginning and evolution B. The European Parliament's role after the Treaty of Lisbon II. A democratic...

04 Oct. 2014

Special education

Dissertation - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Today, school teachers are increasingly dealing with disabled children. In fact, we notice more and more hyperactive children or those with behavior problems. This could be explained by the fact that working parents don't get enough time for their kids. With parents' wish of perfect equal...

09 déc. 2005

European cultural identities: The agents of European consciousness and how successful have they been in engendering such consciousness

Dissertation - 4 pages - Union Européenne

‘Being in Europe' and ‘Being a European' are two different things. It is fair to say that over the years a common space has been created in the economic, legal, and to a certain extent in political spheres. However, when we come to other realities (language, culture, religion,...

28 déc. 2006

Lawrence WIEDER « Telling the Code »

Fiche de lecture - 7 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

Lawrence WIEDER a été l'élève du célèbre fondateur de l'ethnométhodologie : Harold GARFINKEL. Il est diplômé de la faculté de sociologie de l'université de Californie à Los Angeles (UCLA) où il a obtenu son doctorat. Il a enseigné la sociologie entre autres à l'université de l'Oklahoma avant...

17 juil. 2007

Corporate web communication: Lastfm

Étude de cas - 13 pages - Communication is a open content music community website and also an Internet radio station with music recommendation system based on each user's and friends' musical taste on the base of a collaborative filter. Objective of this site is to become the biggest music database completed by all users and...

28 févr. 2008

Expansion of business to new countries: JC Decaux (2006)

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marchés étrangers

Expanding to new countries is nowadays an important stake for companies, considering the cost benefit they can get from this. Economies of scales, of scope permit them to drive their cost down and thus to be more and more competitive on the global market. But this world expansion in a context of...

26 avril 2008

Placement report - Ineo Pologne

Mémoire - 55 pages - Économie générale

A one year internship in a foreign country represents a key phase in the frame of our studies. Though this internship takes place during the third year of our studies and not during the last year, it marks the transition between student life and professional life; between theory and practice. For...

21 juil. 2014

An essay on Globalization

Dissertation - 5 pages - Relations internationales

As early as 1967, in his book The Medium is the Massage, Canadian sociologist and philosopher Marshall MacLuhan described the world anchoring itself in a process of exchanges and interdependences melting into networks, as a 'Global Village'. This phrase gave birth to the concept of...

28 avril 2008

The different types of irony

Dissertation - 4 pages - Littérature

One of the definitions of irony attributed to Aristotle is "saying something but meaning the opposite". This means that irony is displayed, when, in making a statement, the speaker wants to communicate something else. Kierkegaard, (1996) in Concept of Irony, resumes this idea, saying that with...

14 Sept. 2014

Harry Potter A Success: Thanks to Magic Marketing ?

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Brand management

The ?Harry Potter' series of novels have sold more than 110 million copies worldwide and have been successfully translated into 46 languages. The frenzy that the ?Harry Potter' series has created among people, especially children, is incomparable to that of any other novel in the...

05 mai 2008

Cross-cultural management

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Management organisation

In times of Globalization the role of foreign countries is more and more increasing. To be more competitive in the global market it is necessary to research international markets i.e. in order to increase growth opportunities, to reduce costs for production and distribution or to find new sales...

03 juin 2008

Essay on "The Boarding Hous", by James Joyce: A well-orchestrated "human comedy"

Dissertation - 7 pages - Littérature

"The Boarding House?: This article, will study the most interesting aspects of Joyce's narrative technique in this short story. Joyce's (1882-1941) short story ?The Boarding House' was published in ?the Dubliners', a collection of stories set in the ?paralyzed' town of Dublin....

03 févr. 2009

Southwest Airlines case study

Étude de cas - 8 pages - Management organisation

Southwest Airlines is in the top ranking US Corporation in terms of profits and reputation. This airline has always applied strong strategies in order to be on the top in terms of profits, innovation, and image. This constitutes the culture of this company, which matured over the last...

22 juil. 2010

The Germany Market and Culture

Étude de marché - 6 pages - Management organisation

There are 197 countries all over the world that is to say more than 197 cultures that make our world. In the world of today, and with globalization, we have to travel more, and also have to make more business with all these countries. But every culture and every country is different and behave in...

02 févr. 2015

Alibaba business values

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Digital & e-marketing

On the 6th of last November, one week after its introduction, the Alibaba stockmarket was quoted for the first time: it acquired 190% of its introduction price . Other than being a testimony that both China and the internet have a habit of going to the heads of investors, Alibaba was...

31 Janv. 2015

Analyse of Chinese cultural system, its implications for cross-cultural management and the French business people who want to deal with Chinese counterparts

Étude de cas - 17 pages - Marchés étrangers

We naturally view the world from our own perspective and critically analyze that is different. Anything does not correspond to our perspective looks "abnormal", "inferior" or we don't feel comfortable or we are "afraid". But most perspectives are "normal" and respectable. People just have...

26 août 2014

Cross Cultural Management : cross-cultural evaluation theories apply to François Bucourt professional experience

Dissertation - 8 pages - Management organisation

In modern times, it has become extremely common to work with people from different cultures. First of all, we are in time of globalization and people are moving everywhere. That is why we so often talk about cross cultural management and the way to deal with cultural differences. Even if the...

12 juil. 2014

What is culture: the consequences of stereotyping in social relationships

Dissertation - 6 pages - Marketing international

In social and business framework, people have to respect and understand each other in order to build up successful relationships. Every individual has specific features which distinguish them from others. They react differently in view of situations. Their reactions are influenced by their...

23 mai 2019

Has political correctness gone too far?

Dissertation - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

Political correctness is tyranny with manners- according to Charlton Heston and for Robert Griffin III, 'in the land of freedom we are held hostage by the tyranny of political correctness.' Most people seem against political correctness, despite the fact everyone uses it. To begin we can...

25 juil. 2006

Describe and analyse the different minority groups in PRC and how they interact with the main 'Han" government

Dissertation - 3 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe

In 1927 Sun Yatsen said that "The greatest force is common blood. The Chinese belong to the yellow race because they come from the blood stock of the yellow race. The blood of ancestors is transmitted by heredity down through the race, making blood kinship a powerful force". Today the question...

30 mai 2007

What is queer theory and how does it help explain the production of knowledge about sexuality?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

The term “queer” is slang for homosexual. It is also a synonymous of odd, curious or suspect. It is also the most recent in a series of words that have constituted the semantic field of homosexuality. But “queer” is not simply the latest example in a series of words that...

22 Nov. 2006

Making 'inn'-roads into Indonesia : Potentials and risks of launching a hotel chain in Indonesia

Étude de marché - 50 pages - Stratégie

Since I first started studying at the university level, I often went abroad to work, perfected language skills, or simply took some time off. It was only last year that I have had the opportunity to carry out an internship. After the Licence year at the University of Evry, France, I worked...

07 juin 2004

ETA and the role of the Spanish government in the war on terrorism

Dissertation - 13 pages - Relations internationales

Basque nationalists claim that there has always been Basque speaking people (speaking Euskera- the name of the Basque language) in the territory that extends from Bordeaux in the north to Zaragoza and Burgos in the South and to Santander in the West. Such claims are not believed to be true...

19 Mars 2009

Culture & leadership

Dissertation - 14 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe

First of all, it is necessary to have a clear and simple definition of culture. So, “culture can be defined as all the behaviors, arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life” for an entire...

16 juil. 2014

The Salvation Army

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Management organisation

We, the Salvation Army as an evangelical part of the Christian church, are among the largest providers of social aid in the world by following the objectives of “the advancement of the Christian religion of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects beneficial to society...

25 févr. 2015

Saudi Arabia, when adaptation rhymes with contradiction

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

The globalization of the economy, with increased cross-border alliances, ventures and global relocation's, as well as the arrival of e-commerce, has brought major changes in the field of international customer relations and intercultural diversity management. This has led to an increased...

19 déc. 2009

The origins of the South Africa Shebeen Queen

Commentaire de texte - 18 pages - Littérature

What is a shebeen and what is the origin of this term? This is the first question we will try to answer in detail. "The exact origins of the word shebeen are unknown, but it most likely came into popular use in Ireland from the Irish-Gaelic language before spreading to the English-speaking...

25 Janv. 2011

Internship report: An overview of David Travels & the current market for travel agencies

Fiche de lecture - 40 pages - Stratégie

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page”, wrote Saint Augustine. From this quotation, we understand that traveling today is a way of discovering new cultures, languages, values etc. This is what largely prompted me to intern in a travel agency. So,...

21 Sept. 2012

The cultural consequences of Germany's citizenship laws

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

Germany's 2000 citizenship law, by making the German nationality one of the most complicated to claim, has forced the artistic expression of Germany's ethnic and religious minorities into a position where it is defined solely in terms of the ethnic origin of its creators. Therefore, this...

28 févr. 2013

Programmation des pages web statique (HTML)

Cours - 59 pages - Informatique

- HTML Hyper Text Markup Language est né en 1989 sous l'impulsion de Tim Berners Lee, " inventeur " du Web. - HTML est basé sur SGML (Structured Markup Language), qui est une vieille norme utilisée pour la description de documents. Elle est conçue pour les grosses...